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The website is continually evolving. Information is updated daily, and new features are added regularly. We encourage you to visit the site frequently to see what´s new.


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These products are only replicas and do NOT represent the genuine brand name products, and are in no way are we representing them as being exactly the same as their genuine counterparts, or even so similar that they are indistinguishable from their genuine counterparts. We will not be held responsible for the contents of this site in any way, shape or form. All responsibilities will be held by the site visitor and customers. You agree as a buyer that you will not resell these watches as their genuine counterparts (counterfeiting). We are also not acknowledging that the watches are all Swiss-made; the 'Swiss-made' emblem is imprinted only to show the fine details of the watches. Care will be taken to make sure that the contents of this site is accurate, but the owner and all affiliates of this website assumes absolutely no responsibility whatsoever, in any way, shape or form, for the contents of this website, and any misrepresentations or facts misstated. If you can afford the real thing, then please do not purchase one of these replicas, and go buy the real thing instead. We want to give middle-income buyers the opportunity to purchase replicas of brand name products with similar quality, at an affordable price.



The Company can modify models or prices on this website without previous notification.All models are subject to availability.The Replica Watch CompanyŽ Copyright 2001.All rights reserved